Trans Horror I'd Recommend:

Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White is a young adult novel about a trans boy slowly turning into a biblically-accurate angel (or, I guess, some kind of truly horrific monster). the important part is that this transformation is without question reclaimed as super fucking rad. I also will strongly recommend his second novel, The Spirit Bares Its Teeth.

Tell Me I'm Worthless by Alison Rumfitt is Hellraiser for the 21st century. I have a lot to say about how both texts interrogate Thatcher-era austerity, as well as "Britishness" in general, but I'll let you bother me for that particular infodump. Also like Hellraiser, this book made me feel nauseous but like, in a fun and sexy way.

Academic Writing

The Two Revolutions: A History of the Transgender Internet by Avery Dame-Griff (2023, NYU Press)
