My name is Theo. I'm 26 years old and resolutely transexual. I currently work at a bookstore in Chicago, Illinois, where I sell very cool books about queer media, body horror, and monsters. In grad school, I studied very cool things like queer media, body horror, and monsters. I would like to keep writing about these things, preferably for money.

Here and in other places around the Internet, I write about web-necromancy, video games, queerness in kink, and much more. I (very sporadically) release music under the name Caution Crow. Under the same name, I also (less sporadically) make games in Twine and Bitsy about online identity and being trans.

If you are curious about the kinds of things I got up to on the Internet from around 2007 to now, I have a write-up (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) linked here where you can read my thoughts about digital identity formation and auto-archaeology.

This website takes direct inspiration (and graphics) from 1990s-2000s Geocities websites made by queer and trans people. I'm working on an archival project that preserves these websites and hopefully will help today's queer people get to know the internet that made them.